WA Museum

BMW & State Government
Northbridge, WA
Site Area
10,000 m2

Project Details

A prestigious project which was based around the locality of the old jail house. Special care was required in this heritage listed location in regards to historic artefacts and public accessibility throughout the build. Some of our main tasks were:

  • To emulate the pre-existing jail cell walls into the paving design.
  • To construct and execute a large cantilevered shade structure.
  • To minimise vibration, noise and dust whilst working around the public through stringent monitoring procedures.
  • To implement a full electrical lighting and CCTV system.
  • To protect some of the oldest grape vines in WA whilst paving was taking place to the base.
  • To carefully plan logistics so as not to interfere with the daily running of the museum.
  • To construct in such a way to retain the integrity of the pre-existing and existing museum.
  • To work with all stakeholders to ensure that the best design and implementation was achieved.